Keeping Up with the Joneses

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Superbowl

Having lived in Washington State at one time, Evan and I were of course rooting for the Seahawks on Sunday night. Lindsay joined us in Evan's office that night to watch the excitement. Even the kids watched for a while, mostly for the great commercials (minus the ones that we had to turn off). Some of you will be disgusted to know that I sat in a chair reading throughout the game, only putting my book down for the commercials. Being married to a football fan for seven years has still not managed to make me love the game. I just can't see the thrill in watching 300-pound gorillas run around on a field crashing into each other and giving each other horrible injuries. I watch for a few minutes and then start cringing and hollering "Ouch!" and making my boys swear they'll never make it to the NFL. Poor Evan. I wish for his sake I could get into it more. Thankfully Lindsay knows how the game works and can watch it intelligently with him so he's not totally alone.

The kiddos are doing much better, thank the Lord. Still some runny noses but their energy is back. Don't know if that's all a good thing or not. :-) I'm feeling pretty crumby today. Had to cancel having my good friend Sue and her kids over today. :-( Maybe I'll put the kids in front Ben-Hur or some other long movie and take a nap today. Just kidding. Well, sort of.


At 11:44 AM , Blogger Kristi said...

I know how you feel, Jill, but I enjoyed the game a lot more when I kind of understood what was going on. Daddy patiently explained it to me throughout the game, answering any stupid questions I had.
I guess football is sort of the modern day version of the Colisseum gladiator and animal fights. Something in guys especially just loves to watch or participate in things like that! At least they're not trying to kill each other in football.

At 3:27 PM , Blogger Jill said...

Thanks for the affirmation, Kritty. I'm sure Evan would be glad to explain the game to me, but for some reason I have this mental block about it and just can't get past the guys getting mauled. Call me a wimp, but all I can think about is the damage they're doing to their backs--and they keep going back for more!

At 6:54 PM , Blogger Kristi said...

Maybe I've been immunized by watching "guy flicks" with Daddy. :-)

At 4:48 AM , Blogger Jill said...

Yeah, maybe so. I watch a fair amount of guy flicks with Evan, too, so I don't know what my problem with football is. Could be I just don't get into watching sports. Would rather play them if given a choice. Though not football, of course.

At 2:44 PM , Blogger Booker said...

Don't worry Jill, not all us guys enjoy football :-) I watched about 30min of it, then read for the evening.

and goodluck with Benhur. that movie bores even me, and I'm supposed to be an adult, lol...

At 5:32 AM , Blogger Jill said...

The kids ended up watching the old Lion, Witch and Wardrobe--much more kid-friendly--then Evan came home in the afternoon and took all three kids to the dump with him while I took a lovely nap. :-)

At 9:42 PM , Blogger Kristi said...

I'm glad you added "with him" to that sentence 'cause at first glance it looked like Evan took the kids to the dump! I know you're tired, but...

At 1:25 PM , Blogger Booker said...


At 6:45 AM , Blogger the Joneses said...

I actually enjoyed the game this time (it helped that we were watching it with neighbors who were rooting for the Steelers). Fortunately I can take or leave football, since I was the one who had to take the kids back home for bed before the game was done. Darren wouldn't have budged from the couch with a forklift.

So sympathize with the long-movie-and-nap idea, by the way. I spent three days on the couch with a stomach bug, getting up only to throw random foodstuffs at the kids when they got hungry.

-- SJ

At 12:45 PM , Blogger Avalanche Cowpoke said...

I reckon my interest in football dwindles when the 49ers ain't in the game. I've been a 49er myself for all of my life so of course I just gotta support them as a team even if they are outa thet San Francisco town... ...I did watch thet there super bowl game but I confess I don't recall who won at this point or even who played... ...I reckon thet pegs me down as not bein' a for real football enthusiast now don't it...


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