Keeping Up with the Joneses

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Jack is a huge fan of Baby Einstein. His excitement when he watches it cracks us up. I wanted y'all to see this. My apologies if you don't find it as amusing as his family does. At least I think the grandparents will appreciate it. :-)

Note: Please ignore the obnoxious high-pitched voice speaking motherese in the background. Goodness, I had no idea I sounded like that. My poor children.


At 2:01 AM , Blogger Lori said...

AWESOME!!!! Thanks for sharing!! I agree that there was some obnoxious motherese baby talk in the background. Ugh!! Who was that?!?! (Smirk--as if I never did that!)

At 5:26 AM , Blogger Mrs. RF said...

Aunties also appreciate it!

At 10:37 AM , Blogger Susan Elizabeth said...

It is the universal reaction of all mothers to raise their voices at least two octaves when a darling baby is present! (and what baby isn't darling?!) Your baby is most darling! What a cutie-pie!!

At 5:19 PM , Blogger The Boisverts said...

So cute! My boys all LOVED Baby Einsteins and 2 out of 3 of 'em still do. And I do remember their joy and facination over the videos when they first started watching them... as they were entertained by the video, Mark and I were entertained by their expressions!

His excitement is priceless. (And so is the "motherese talk"...ahem.. I, uh, never did that! No, no of course not! *wink*) :-)

At 10:45 AM , Blogger ~jenna said...

the video is so cute and the voice, just like mine in all of ours:)

At 4:00 PM , Blogger Susan Elizabeth said...

Sure, Jen! No "Motherese" tones from you, huh?! ;)


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