Keeping Up with the Joneses

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

A short WHAT?!

Today I took Jed to an appointment to be evaluated by a speech therapist/pathologist. Any of you who know Jed and have talked with him know that certain sounds are hard for him to make, making it difficult to understand sometimes what he's trying to say. This problem has not improved with time. The school system evaluated him last fall but didn't consider him bad enough to want to offer their help. I finally got desperate this spring and sniffed out a speech and rehab center in Nashua. And I am one happy mama tonight to finally have some answers and some hope!

At the end of the nearly two-hour evaluation today the therapist shared her preliminary findings with me. What she found makes so much sense! Apparently Jed has a very weak tongue, making it difficult for him to form certain sounds. He can form his problem sounds if he puts his mind to it, but it takes extra effort. And some words, like calendar, come out ca-ender. This is because his tongue is not strong enough to make some of the rapid sounds that most of us can make. Now her belief is that this is due to a short frenulum. I'll be impressed if any of you know what one of those is! I completed a medical transcription course four years ago and never came across one in my studies. Well, it's that little stringy thing under your tongue that anchors your tongue to the bottom of your mouth. The therapist wants me to take him to his doctor to have it evaluated. If the doctor considers it too short, she'll snip it. Ouch! Once that's done, or that possibility is at least ruled out, the therapist will know better where to begin with his therapy.

Jed has also had difficulty learning to read. Time after time, using different methods, I've hit a brick wall in his mind trying to teach him his letter sounds. In math and other areas he's brilliant, but reading is extremely hard. When I told the therapist, she said there's often a connection between speech problems and literacy problems. Sure enough, another evaluation revealed that he has difficulty with phonological awareness. For instance, she would have him say CAT, then ask him to say CAT without the K sound--AT. He couldn't do it. With about ten words he completely bombed out. Same with other similar tests. His poor little brain just doesn't get it. So apparently this is something they can help him with too. PRAISE THE LORD! I'm not just a bad homeschool mom! There's help and hope!


At 5:04 AM , Blogger Mrs. RF said...

That sounds encouraging! Glad you perservered and are finding the help you need.

At 5:12 AM , Blogger ljm said...

Jill, What was the rehab center if you don't mind saying? Glad you found some help.
I know a few kids who've had this procedure (frenulum snipped) and were helped a lot.

At 6:24 AM , Blogger Avalanche Cowpoke said...

I've heard of such problems before---glad you're finding solutions!!! 8~)

At 7:45 AM , Blogger Jill said...

Liane, of course you would have heard of the frenulum! Glad to know you've heard success stories.

The rehab center was the Southern New Hampshire Rehabilitation Center on 101A in Nashua next to the Country Tavern. Have you heard of it?

At 10:40 AM , Blogger Carrie said...

It's amazing what they can do to help! Becca has been in speech therapy for a year now and her progress is remarkable! Good luck to you and Jed. By the way....Becca LOVES to go to speech. Maybe Jed will really enjoy it.

At 12:47 PM , Blogger Loreo said...

Phew--knowledge is powah!! I went to a speech therapist in like 6th or 7th grade to help me learn how to swallow and eat and sleep without pushing my tongue against my teeth (and undermine my braces' progress). I believe she had me do an exercise where I had to stretch the frenulum by putting my tongue to the roof of my mouth and stretching that little muscle. It'd be nice if it could be stretched rather than cut, eh?

At 5:39 AM , Blogger Jill said...

Lori, I went through the same therapy! Good ol' Mrs. Giglio. I actually mentioned that frenulum-stretching exercise to the therapist in hopes that that would be all Jed would need, but she said it wouldn't in his case. He has an appointment to see an ear/nose/throat specialist in July.

At 7:09 PM , Blogger Kristi said...

Wow, glad to hear you've gotten some answers! And of course you're not a bad homeschool mom! If any kids turn out with a great education, it will be yours, I'm sure. :-)
I have the same tongue thrust problem that you guys had, so I'll probably get tongue therapy sooner or later for my braces. That's a mighty strong little muscle to reign into the proper position!

At 5:20 AM , Blogger Jill said...

Kristi, you sweetie. Thanks for the vote of encouragement. Sometimes I'm afraid my kids will feel overwhelmed with all the things I want to teach them. In figuring out what to teach Jed for first grade, I had to scale way back so the poor kid wouldn't feel deluged. :-)It is fun being in control of what he is taught. I'm loving being a homeschool mom.

At 8:50 AM , Blogger Booker said...

well, that is good news indeed!

At 12:00 PM , Blogger TripleNine said...

I've always wondered if you could safely snip that frenulum thing. Interesting. And I'll join the throng here in saying that I have gone to speech therapy as well. I believe it was for my 'S's'


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