Keeping Up with the Joneses

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Where chocolate milk comes from

Today at the grocery store Jed asked me, "Is chocolate milk made from bunnies?" I burst out laughing and asked if he really was wondering or if he was just being silly (he's always saying silly, off-the-wall things). But he really wanted to know! Perhaps if I was of a more sadistic turn of mind I would have answered him with a straight face that yes, bunnies make chocolate milk. But I explained--between gales of laughter--how it's really made.

About six weeks ago Chloe started losing hair. Poor girl looks pretty pathetic. She has almost no hair on the back of her head, while the front is still normal. It's been a little hard on her mom who is vain enough to want her little girl to look at least put together! Several trips to the doctor and some blood tests have revealed nothing out of the ordinary, so I took her to a nutritional specialist today who pinpointed the problem right away. It's a malabsorption problem. She isn't digesting certain nutrients needed to nourish the hair follicles (poor thing got the malabsorption problem from her mother). So she needs to take digestive enzymes and "friendly bacteria" and she should be showing signs of improvement within the week. Thank the Lord!

We seem to be breeding a vampire. Today during the kids' quiet time I was lying on the couch enjoying a desperately needed nap when Tucker let out a blood-curdling scream of agony. I tore myself away from the couch and went upstairs to discover Chloe had tried to take several bites out of Tucker's back--and nearly succeeded! He has two hideous looking bruised bite marks on his back. Chloe got a bite from Mommy on her arm for her pains, but I think she was so traumatized at seeing what her actions did to Tucker that she probably won't ever do it again. Here's hoping. This isn't the first incident! Jed has gotten several nips as well from our resident bulldog/weasel/vampire.

We got new carpet installed in several rooms yesterday! Made a HUGE difference, as in the upstairs doesn't stink anymore. Evan's office has dark blue carpet, and the upstairs hallway and playroom got light beige. Amazing what a difference new carpet makes in a room.


At 9:54 AM , Blogger Booker said...

And I was going to post various musings on vampires last nite. Instead you got what you did. How interesting.

Hmm, so little Chloe is a bloodsucker, eh? Keep those stakes and garlic cloves close :)

At 11:10 AM , Blogger the Joneses said...

I can't wait to see what Chloe grows up to accomplish. She's such a little firecracker. There's a lot of vision and ambition packed into that petite little frame.

Glad you've got the hair problem figured out. At least she isn't old enough to care. :)

-- SJ

At 7:51 PM , Blogger Kristi said...

Chocolate milk isn't from bunnies?? Why did no one tell me this?! I've been sadly disillusioned all these years and now I'll have to go get counseling to deal with it.

At 12:48 AM , Blogger Loreo said...

resident bulldog/weasel/vampire?!?! Ha ha!! Der, Chloe! Absorb friendly bacteria and not your brother, silly bear!!

At 9:50 AM , Blogger Jill said...

Chloe bites her nails. I haven't had to cut them in I don't know how many months. The nutritional specialist said the nail biting should clear up too, because as weird as it sounds, that's the body's way of "recyclying" calcium when it isn't able to absorb it. So that might explain some of her urge to bite her brothers!

At 10:15 AM , Blogger Booker said...

Talk about taking a "bite out of crime", hahahahahaaha...


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