Keeping Up with the Joneses

Friday, August 12, 2005

Ways to Kill a Mouse

Thank you all for your very helpful ideas on rodent extermination. Since moving into the house, we have killed six! Our methods, however, have been varied. You may be interested to learn some new tricks.

1. Slam the mouse's head in a cupboard door.
2. Trap it in a cup in your living room.
3. Put poison packets under major appliances and watch the corpses appear in your basement.

Allow me to elaborate. On Saturday night upon our return from Nova Scotia, we were all in the kitchen--all including Darren and Sara and their two kids, who were spending the night with us on their way back to VA. I opened the corner cupboard to see if there was any evidence of evil mice, and sure enough, they had eaten through several containers. But that wasn't all--there was a mouse still there! I screamed and slammed the cupboard--on its head! Blood spurted everywhere. Evan and I kicked everyone out of the kitchen, because at this point nine people were screaming hysterically. A little too much confusion. Evan opened the cupboard again to find the poor animal stone dead. Score!

The other method--trapping the mouse in a cup--was one Lindsay discovered. She found a little baby mouse in her living room and very bravely threw a cup over it then called Evan to dispose of it. He hit it over the head with a blunt object, and that was the end of that one.

On Monday night I stuck little packets of poison under the fridge, oven, and freezer and in two cupboards the mice have invaded. It's the kind of poison where they eat through the bag, consume a lethal dose, get really thirsty, search for water, and die. Evan found THREE dead mice in the basement yesterday! So, here's hoping we've gotten them all.


At 10:54 AM , Blogger Loreo said...

That is SO gross about your mouse being slammed in the cupboard! I'm glad you're getting rid of them, though! Forgot you had been in Nova Scotia. How'd it go?

At 12:03 PM , Blogger Mrs. RF said...

Thanks for the update on ways to kill a mouse. Glad you are having some success!

I can still remember one house we moved into that had lots of mice, and lots of fleas. Took awhile to get rid of all the extra inhabitants but we perservered. Yuck.

Enjoy your settling in!

At 12:42 PM , Blogger the Joneses said...

"Three dead mice, three dead mice, They no longer run! They no longer run! They each upset the pastor's wife, Who found different ways of ending a life, Did you ever see such a sight in your life, as three dead mice?"

(No need to send money. Applause it sufficient.)
-- SJ

At 1:19 PM , Blogger Booker said...

Magnificent SJ! If you could turn it into a musical, I think I know somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody who could get it on Broadway...

At 1:28 PM , Blogger Jill said...

Sara, how do you think of things like that song? You're very clever. I'm still laughing.01

At 7:42 AM , Blogger CKS said...

Jill, oh thou great mice-slayer! I think the men's dorm is another mouse capitol of the world. My third year was the worst...started when some girls placed an opened tin of sardines in my room for three weeks as a joke. The only reason I found it is because a feeding mouse woke me up in the middle of the night and led me to it. So that was a magnet which drew mice from everywhere.

Thus began many months of trying to be rid of them. They ALL were in my room. They'd get in my dresser, leave kisses wrappers everywhere, etc. etc. Some serious extermination was required. I invented all sorts of humane traps, but none worked, so I resorted to the snapping kind.

This will show you how bold they were: I was in my room, setting traps, with the light on. I set the first one and put it under my desk, about two feet from where I was standing. I was in the middle of setting the second one when "SNAP!" the first one went off. He'd come within feet of me in broad daylight! and that's the last thing he remembers...

At 10:21 AM , Blogger Kristi said...

So much for useful cats! What have they done -- made friends with the mice?

At 6:20 PM , Blogger Jill said...

Our cats are absolutely useless when it comes to the mice. Craig, I can't believe the bold-faced audacity of the mice in your dorm room. I guess they learned pretty quickly that they couldn't mess with the Craiginator!

At 2:11 PM , Blogger ljm said...

...and I've heard some awful tales of how the guys in the dorm have disposed of the mice. Kind of along the lines of the cupboard door method.


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