Keeping Up with the Joneses

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Fellowship of Star Wars Fans

Right now Jed is seriously into Star Wars. Much of his day is spent dressing up like various characters--good and bad--and acting out all sorts of interesting scenarios that only an almost-five-year-old can dream up. The other day Jed asked me to play Star Wars with him. I groaned inwardly. How in the world do I, a grown woman, play Star Wars with a little boy? Knowing how much he loves to have someone to play with and how desperate he was (he pleaded with me for several minutes), I gave in. But housework was calling my name and I soon got bored of the game. That's when I had a brilliant idea! I said, "Why don't you ask Uncle Derrick to play Star Wars with you when he gets home?" Jed loved the idea and rushed out the door to see if he was home.

Now let me talk about Uncle Derrick for a minute. (He isn't really Jed's uncle but a first cousin once removed--and second, I might add!) For the four years that we've lived here we've had the privilege of being his next-door neighbor. I have personally enjoyed getting to know him as a friend, and he has become a wonderful friend of Jed's. He has taken seriously his role as uncle/role model to Jed, and Jed worships the ground he walks on. Several days a week (I try to limit it for Derrick's sake) Jed goes over to visit Uncle Derrick or invites him to come play on the trampoline. Well, Derrick is as much a fan of Star Wars as Jed is, so when Jed asked him to play Star Wars with him the other day, Derrick didn't seem to mind. I chuckled as I listened to the two of them through the window making boyish sound effects and wielding imaginary light sabers and beating up Darth Vader (or being beaten up). I couldn't go outside at the time and I've meant to call and thank Derrick for taking Jed off my hands and making his day--so, Derrick, if you're reading this, thank you so much for making my little boy happy and investing so much of your time in him. You are a truly kind man. Evan and I deeply appreciate you for the way you have been a friend and good example to Jed.

Okay, it's time to sign off. I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say there have been about six interruptions in the short time I've been writing this. I guess I need to save blogging for naptimes and bedtimes!


At 4:42 AM , Blogger the Joneses said...

Darren once threatened to nickname his first nephew "Jedi." Didn't realize that in a few years it would suit him. :)

-- SJ

At 2:44 PM , Blogger Kristi said...

I can't wait to see Jed in a few weeks! He grows up so much between the times that I see him that I wish time could slow down a little bit. :-(

At 3:04 PM , Blogger Booker said...

Hurray for StarWars!! Passing the torch to a new generation and such stuff...

At 3:12 PM , Blogger Linds said...

Tonight on the way home from work I saw this license plate, and it made me laugh.... "JEDIPM"
Now how clever is that? Hopefully it will be available by the time Jed is ready to drive :)

At 7:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jill that is so funny. I can so see Derrick outside playing star wars with Jed.. Thanks for the good laugh. And good job Derrick on being a great uncle/cousin/role model


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