Keeping Up with the Joneses

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Call a Spade a Spade

A month or two ago Evan discovered a little "treat" in the middle of the aisle of our church left by some unknown desperate dog. How the dog got in we have no idea, and why it chose the middle of the aisle we don't want to know. But the other day we were discussing the subject of people bringing their dogs into church, etc. Evan, the king of one-liners, quoted one of his favorite lines and said, "That would be a violation." Jed, overhearing the discussion, piped up, "That would be a SIN!" Wow, say it like it is, buddy!

I can't believe I'm writing this at 4:45 a.m. But Tucker is in his crib screaming his head off. NOTHING is making him happy. I think he's teething. Just gave him baby Tylenol, but it's not kicking in. Since his crib is in our room (reason number 57 we're looking forward to moving), Evan's camped out on the couch, and I'm here. It's hard to get comfortable on a love seat when you're 5'11". We've tried a bottle, sippy cup (in case he's decided he's outgrown a bottle), rocking him, lying down with him on our chest. I'll go rescue him in a few minutes. Looks like it's going to be a long day . . . But thankfully my dear kind, selfless mother-in-law is here helping for the week to give me a chance to pack and hang out with the kids.

Speaking of mothers-in-law, I sure lucked out in that department. I don't think I've met anyone as selfless and giving as her. Any of you who know her know how Jesus shines out of her. I find myself studying her and trying to follow her example. When one of the kids gets on my nerves or I feel like I'll explode if ONE MORE PERSON HAS A NEED, I think, "Mom wouldn't holler, or sigh like a martyr, or make her kids wait for her to finish her meal before she tended to their dire needs. She'd lovingly lay aside her own needs out of her great love for that child."

Knowing Mom has been where I am now and that she knows how challenging it is has been a huge encouragement. She assures me it gets easier! She understands my wondering sometimes if I'll ever get to eat a meal in one sitting or have a chance to read my Bible without interruption or sleep all the way through the night or take a nap when I want to or . . . anyway, I'm deeply grateful for my mother-in-law, who has truly become a second mom.


At 8:34 AM , Blogger Mrs. RF said...

So glad your Mother in law is with you this week- she sure is a special lady. Sorry you were up so early with Tucker- but also glad to get another update on your world! See you and your precious ones soon!

At 9:53 AM , Blogger Loreo said...

Sorry you guys had such a rough time this morning! Before you know it the kids will all be so much more self-sufficient and independent. Before you know it you'll be struggling to help them struggle through multiplication! How wonderful to have such a neat mother-in-law to help you with her hands and heart!

At 3:35 PM , Blogger Claire said...

Two dogs come with their masters - or technically, their mistresses- to where I work. Two dogs! At work! (I'm not a dog person.) So far, there have been no offerings inside the house...but sometimes, when one of them has trodden on my toes or something, I think it is a sin to just BRING them to work! Hello!

At 6:48 PM , Blogger the Joneses said...

Coincidentally, I got the greatest mother-in-law, too! The one who's always telling me what a great mother I am and how well we're raising the kids. And who, despite her remarkable powers of organization, never even whimpers when I tell her I "haven't even thought about packing" for a trip coming up the next week. It really doesn't seem fair that we, of all the women in the world, are the only two who got her... but I don't waste a lot of time feeling guilty about it. :)

What an awful night with Tucker. I admire your good spirits despite it all. I don't think I'd be writing anything very edifying at 4:45 in the morning.

-- SJ

At 7:30 PM , Blogger Kristi said...

Sigh...I'm so glad to be single!:-)

At 5:06 AM , Blogger Jill said...

Sara, you've probably heard how some of Darren and Lindsay's friends in Virginia have said they wished Mom and Dad had more kids so they could have a chance at getting them for in-laws too! As for loving being single, Kristi, there are definitely trade-offs. Enjoy the freedom to do what you want when you want, sleep through the night, and all the other benefits of singleness. I'll continue to enjoy being married to a man who adores me, the strong sense of belonging, and the incredibly wonderful feeling of little arms wrapped around my neck. :-)

At 4:33 PM , Blogger Booker said...

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At 7:43 PM , Blogger brilynne said...

Wow, this evening during dishes we were talking about what a great mother-in-law Mrs. Jones must be. Yeah for her!

At 9:31 AM , Blogger TripleNine said...

Not only is she a great mother in law (at least from what I've heard) but she is also a great aunt. Great in the wonderful sense that is!

At 10:01 AM , Blogger KMS said...

Thanks for the reminder of how someone else's good example can help us overcome. I had to chuckle about the part about someone else having one more need because, even though I'm not a mom, I have a lot of people clamoring for attention. Hopefully next time I'm tempted to give a short reply, I'll remember how gracious the elder Mrs. Jones would be. (Um, not to say that Jill and Sara aren't gracious.)


At 11:07 AM , Blogger Kristi said...

Jill, I wasn't implying that marriage and motherhood aren't wonderful, or that singlehood is completely satisfying. I'm just recognizing that there are pro's and cons to both, as you know! Therein lies the importance of being content in whatever state you are in, whether you're tending a fussy child or wishing for an "adoring man." Thanks for being a wonderful example to me, Jilleen, of a vibrant single and a radiant wife and mother. You're one in a million, as Evan must know! :-)

At 8:19 PM , Blogger Jill said...

Kritty, after I wrote my earlier comment I was afraid I came across preachy or that I was trying to make you feel bad. That wasn't my intention at all! I know that you are well aware of the pros and cons of marriage and singleness. You just helped me put things in perspective and remember how blessed I am, and I appreciate it. And while we're passing out words of praise, let me just say here how I think the world of you and am so impressed with the Godly choices you are making. YOU are a radiant, vibrant single and are a beautiful example of a young woman fulfilling God's purpose for her life.


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