Keeping Up with the Joneses

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Door Trouble

We seem to be cursed in the door department lately. It all started when we moved into our new house. I'm not kidding when I say that every door in this house, with the exception of maybe one or two, has problems. They all either stick horribly or the doorknobs don't latch, so you can just push some of the doors open. It is not cool when you can't lock the master bedroom door, let alone make it latch shut. Jed can't even open the front door, and on a humid day you need both hands to open it. Then the doorknobs on Evan's two office doors fell off within a couple of weeks of each other. Argh!

The worst door trouble is that Evan's new truck door won't latch! The morning of the day we were leaving Nova Scotia for home it decided to quit latching, so we stopped at a car parts store and bought a bungie (sp?) cord to hold it shut. That was an exciting adventure. Sometimes the door would open a little going around a corner, and the road noise was pretty loud. Since then Evan has learned that Ford recalled that door several years ago because it was rusting out too badly!

Oh, and I almost forgot the minivan door. I was putting Chloe in the minivan the other day. When I opened the sliding door it didn't catch and hold the first time, and being in a bad mood already, I took my frustration out on it and slammed it into place. Stupid. I almost pushed the door right off! It came off the car up at the top. It was easy to see what needed to be done to fix it, but I lacked the strength and know-how. So I called poor Evan, who was working about five minutes from home (thankfully!) and he came and banged it back in place. Believe me, it was a reminder to keep my temper under control!

All this door trouble has made me more aware of the blessings we do have, like this incredible house. We are absolutely loving it! Space everywhere! It's such a wonderful home in which to raise a family. And it makes me think of Jesus, the Door of Life. That Door never sticks or malfunctions. He is faithful and unchanging. And, to use an overused phrase, "The Lord never closes a door without opening a window."


At 2:08 PM , Blogger ljm said...

Yikes...sounds like a fire hazard if the doors are that hard to open. Glad you have all that additional space though!

At 4:08 PM , Blogger Loreo said...

Gotta love the old doors that come in old houses, eh? Thursday, the back hatch on our minivan decided to be stubborn...again. It only gives on the left side and won't open at all now. So now I have 2 reasons to get in to the dealership--bad hatch and driver's side window that is stubborn as a mule, too. If you put it down, you'll be able to put it back up one inch at a time.
Since when do you have a temper, Jill? ;0

At 9:47 PM , Blogger Kristi said...

You could just substitute curtains for doors! No sticking, no squeeking, no bothering with turning nobs when your hands are full!

At 9:47 PM , Blogger Kristi said...

Oops, I mean knobs. :-)

At 9:08 PM , Blogger CKS said...

yeah, what Kristi said: subsitute mice, no mosquitoes, no critters, no freezing winters. oh, wait! Hmmm, better think about that one.

At 5:49 PM , Blogger the Joneses said...

The minivan door sounds familiar.
When we got to the airport on our way up to NS, it took three tries to find a rental minivan with a working door. And I'm very afraid that I did the same thing you did: when the sliding door didn't catch, I gave it an enthusiastic push. And then it caught. And then it didn't close again. And, no, we didn't admit this to the rental guy, guilt guilt guilt.

-- SJ


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