Keeping Up with the Joneses

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's a beautiful snowy day and I'm counting my blessings! Tucker woke up this morning at 6:30 before the others, so Evan brought him in to bed with us. He snuggled and talked with us for about twenty minutes before we put him back in his crib. He thought he'd died and gone to heaven having Mommy and Daddy all to himself! Jed woke up a little while later. He was ecstatic to see several inches of snow on the ground and more coming! It's our first big snow of the season. We knew Chloe was awake a few minutes later when we heard her hollering, "Hnow! Hnow!" She and Jed got bundled up as fast as they could and went out to explore. They were probably out there 45 minutes. I had it made fixing breakfast and getting the turkey in the oven while they played outside and Tucker slept.

We've had a happy, leisurely morning. Lindsay came over for a while to watch some of the Macy's parade with us. Evan gagged over the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang song, and we pretty much had to turn off all the other songs, but the kids loved seeing the floats. Evan's now happily ensconced in his office watching football. He's been a wonderful help today giving the kids baths, vacuuming rooms, writing our Christmas letter, and generally being available to corral, discipline, and entertain the troops as needed.

Lindsay is back now for the festivities, and Derrick (a.k.a. Ryusoma to you bloggers) just walked in and Wesley will be here any minute. We'll eat dinner at 3:00.

I think the things at the top of my Thanksgiving list are my precious family, this big beautiful house, good health for all of us, the children's growth and progress, a loving husband...and I could keep going! God has been so good to us.

Chloe has been blossoming in her speech. She is usually able to communicate what's on her mind. But she has a hard time saying S, so H is usually the subsitute letter--hence "hnow" for "snow." She's fun to tease about it. If she says "hink," meaning she wants to wash her hands in the sink, I'll say, "You want to wash your hands in the hink?" "No, hink!" "That's what I said, hink." "NO! HINK!" At that point I have to stop so I don't provoke her to wrath, but it is pretty amusing.

Happy thanksgiving to you all!


At 1:20 PM , Blogger Kristi said...

Zoe used to do that! I remember words like "dinohaur" and "hicy." I'm jealous of your snow! Happy THanksgiving!

At 4:32 PM , Blogger Booker said...

Don't be jealous, pity us instead.

Jill, that was a fantastic dinner, thanks for having me over!

At 11:07 AM , Blogger Loreo said...

Neat to hear about your fun day. Got a kick out of Chloe correcting you on "hink." This seems so familiar! :)


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